Saturday, July 17, 2010

9. Count Basie - The Atomic Mr. Basie (1957)

1. Kid From Red Bank
2. Duet
3. After Supper
4. Flight Of The Foo Birds
5. Double O
6. Teddy The Toad
7. Whirly Bird
8. Midnite Blue
9. Splanky
10. Fantail
11. Li'l Darlin'

Despite all the hard-bop jazz experimentation that was going on in the 50s, we're gifted here with yet another swing/big band album! Like the Duke Ellington album earlier, this is an example of a late-period career boost. And despite its anachronistic nature, it's fun! (How many times have I said that in this blog by now?) It's got that characteristic super-loud brass all over the place, and the entire record jumps along at a fairly brisk pace, even during the slower songs. And for what may be the first time on this list, I can actually hear the bass!

'Kid From Red Bank' is some hard shit for 1957. It is rather hard to listen to and not feel like dancing, which is rather odd considering Red Bank is in New Jersey, probably one of the least danceable states in the Union. From there, the album does not stop. You will dance even during the slower numbers, or else Count Basie will kill you with his implied nuclear arsenal (just look at that album cover!). Some songs seem mellow at first, like 'Double O', and then all of a sudden BAM!

Like most other albums here, the tracks do tend to blend together. There's only so much you can do with big band swing stuff. But for 30-odd minutes, I don't really mind. 8/10

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